Welcome To… Go Ape!

Go Ape! 🍌


Go ape is an awesome rope course to go to over the weekend! Personally, I don’t really like how they only let you do certain things  based on how old you are.


So anyway, you walk up to this well umm… lets just say wood ticket stand to buy your ticket and get gloves.  Then you walk up to where he says to go and you enter the course! The tiny course is pretty easy.


 A ropes course is when you are strapped into the air and have to jump off of and onto these tiny floating objects that are hung by a string. 


Then at the end of all of the courses, there is a long, big zip line!

On the big course everything is basically the same as the tiny one except everything is bigger and taller. Go Ape is a nice place to go to with your friends and family! Plus, it’s good for you to know that if you fall you are very securely strapped into the whire and it’s  impossible to fall. Just so you know, if you stay very long and order the fingerless gloves at the wood ticket stand, after about 1-2 hours it will hurt badly. Well not that bad but it kinda gives you a cramp. Well that’s all I have to say about go ape. Bye!


2 thoughts on “Welcome To… Go Ape!

  1. Olivia, great job! I liked how you explained how to do a cartwheel (I’m not really good at cartwheels) and I’ll diffidently ask my mom to go to go ape sometimes it seems really cool. Great job!

  2. This sounds like a really fun place! I love rope courses, so maybe I’ll have to give Go Ape a try. It would be cool if you could find some pictures of the place to add to your post.

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